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rhythm game on drum
'16/10/17 10:19
hit the drum getting into the rhythm!

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Source Code

Provide the source code of a microcontroller or tiny computer in JavaScript. Node.js-based computers are supported. Require f3js package and use its API to design the device enclosure.

var Buzzer = require("jsupm_buzzer"); var buzzer = new Buzzer.Buzzer(3); var grove =require("jsupm_grove"); var button = new grove.GroveButton(2); var led = new grove.GroveLed(4); var LCD = require("jsupm_i2clcd"); var lcd = new LCD.Jhd1313m1(6, 0x3E, 0x62); var upmMicrophone = require("jsupm_mic"); // Attach microphone to analog port A0 var myMic = new upmMicrophone.Microphone(0); var threshContext = new upmMicrophone.thresholdContext; threshContext.averageReading = 0; threshContext.runningAverage = 0; threshContext.averagedOver = 2; var is_running = false; buzzer.setVolume(0.1); var message = "Excellent"; // タイミングがぴったり合ったときに表示するメッセージ var f3js = require('f3js') , c = f3js.createContainer() , x = 10 , y = 10 , width = 100 , height = 105 , thickness = 42 , jw = 7 /* かみ合わせ幅 [5, 10] */ , jh = 4 /* 板厚[mm] [1, 5] */; c.x = x; c.y = y; // 表の面を作る var p = c.jrc(0, 0, width, height, jw, jh); /* // 上記は次のコードと同じ //var p = c.drawJointRectangle(0, 0, width, height, jw, jh); // または次のコードと同じ var p = c.createPath(); p.moveTo(0, 0); p.jointTo(width, 0, jw, jh); p.jointTo(width, height, jw, jh); p.jointTo(0, height, jw, jh); p.jointTo(0, 0, jw, jh); p.close(); */ // 表面にいろいろ配置する c.add(buzzer, { x: 50, y: 80}); c.add(lcd, { x: 50 + 0, y: 30 + 0 }); c.add(led, 20, 80); c.add(button, { x: 80 + 0, y: 80 + 0 }); // 配線用の穴を開ける c.drawRectangle(15, 59, 10, 6); c.drawRectangle(45, 59, 10, 6); c.drawRectangle(75, 59, 10, 6); // 側面と裏面を作る var ps = p.extrude(45); ps[0].x = width + 5; ps[0].y = jh; ps[1].x = width + 5; ps[1].y = (thickness + 5) * 2 + jh; ps[2].x = width + 5; ps[2].y = thickness + 5 + jh; ps[3].x = width + 5; ps[3].y = (thickness + 5) * 3 + jh; ps[4].x = 0; // 最後の要素が裏面 ps[4].y = height + 5; // 表の面の真下に配置する for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i ++) { c.add(ps[i]); } // 側面の一つに電源用の穴を開ける ps[1].drawRectangle(jh + 5, thickness - jh - 5, height - jh*2 - 10, -10); // 以降はゲームのソースコード var idleInterval = false; function startIdle() { idleInterval = setInterval(function() { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.write('PUSH BUTTON!! '); if (button.value() > 0) { clearInterval(idleInterval); idleInterval = false; startGame(); } }, 100); } var interval = false, score; function stopGame() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.write('your sore is '+String(score)); var nextinterval = setInterval(function(){ if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); interval = false; } if (!idleInterval && (button.value() > 0)) { clearInterval(nextinterval); startIdle(); } },100); } function startGame() { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lcd.setCursor(i, 0); lcd.write(' '); } var t = 0; var obstacles = []; score = 0; interval = setInterval(function() { if (t === 120) { lcd.setColor(255, 255, 255); obstacles = []; stopGame(); return; } var buffer = new upmMicrophone.uint16Array(128); var len = myMic.getSampledWindow(2, 10, buffer); if (len) { var thresh = myMic.findThreshold(threshContext, 150, buffer, len); }; console.log('time: ' + thresh); if (t==15 || t==21 || t==27 || t==33|| t==37|| t==39|| t==45|| t==49|| t==51|| t==63|| t==69|| t==75|| t==81|| t==85|| t==87|| t==93|| t==97|| t==99) obstacles.push(15); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lcd.setCursor(i, 0); lcd.write(' '); } lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.write('X'); for (i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) { lcd.setCursor(1, obstacles[i]); lcd.write('O'); obstacles[i] -= 1; } while (obstacles[0] === -1) { obstacles.shift(); } t += 1; if(t==48 || t==60 || t==108) buzzer.playSound(1915,50000); //DO if(t==30 || t==36 || t==42|| t==54|| t==66|| t==102|| t==114) buzzer.playSound(1519,50000); //MI if(t==52 || t==64 || t==100 || t==112) buzzer.playSound(1275,50000); //SO if(t==78 || t==84 || t==90) buzzer.playSound(1014,50000); //SI if(t==96) buzzer.playSound(956,50000); //HDO if(t==115) buzzer.stopSound(); if (obstacles[0] === 0 && thresh > 0 ){ lcd.setCursor(0, 4); lcd.write(message); score = (score + 1) % 24; led.on(); } }, 100); } startIdle(); process.on('SIGINT', function() { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } lcd.setColor(255, 255, 255); process.exit(0); }); var var47910 = false; // *proposed* 2 player mode

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