Provide the source code of a microcontroller or tiny computer in JavaScript. Node.js-based computers are supported. Require f3js
package and use its API to design the device enclosure.
// instantiate sensors and actuators
var groveSensor = require('jsupm_grove');
var gcl = require("jsupm_my9221");
var button1 = new groveSensor.GroveButton(2);
var button2 = new groveSensor.GroveButton(3);
var LCD = require("jsupm_i2clcd");
var lcd = new LCD.Jhd1313m1(6, 0x3E, 0x62);
var Buzzer = require("jsupm_buzzer");
var buzzer = new Buzzer.Buzzer(4);
// set layout parameters
var f3js = require('f3js')
, x = 10
, y = 10
, useCountdown = true /* Use the countdown feature. */
, width = useCountdown ? 140 : 60
, height = 105
, thickness = 45 /* Thickness [10, 100] */
, dw = 5 /* Joint width [0, 10] */
, dh = 2 /* Joint height (panel thickness) [0, 10] */;
// put base board
var rect = f3js.drawJointRectangle(x, y, width, height, dw, dh, true);
var planes = rect.extrude(thickness);
planes[4].x = width; planes[4].y = 0; f3js.add(planes[4]);
// put sensors and actuators
f3js.drawRectangle(x + 100, y + 55, 10, 6);
f3js.add(button1, { x: x + 105, y: y + 75 });
f3js.drawRectangle(x + 30, y + 55, 10, 6);
f3js.add(button2, { x: 35 + x, y: 75 + y });
f3js.drawRectangle(x + 65, y + 55, 10, 6);
f3js.add(buzzer, { x: 70 + x, y: 75 + y });
f3js.add(lcd, { x: 70 + x, y: 30 + y });
// draw circles...
//for (var i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
// f3js.drawCircle(
// x + width - (i + 1) * 10
// , y + height - 10
// , 1); // additional holes
// put side boards
var margin = dh;
planes[0].x = x;
planes[0].y = y + height + margin;
planes[1].x = x + width;
planes[1].y = y + height + margin - dh;
planes[2].x = x + height;
planes[2].y = y + height + thickness + margin;
planes[3].x = x;
planes[3].y = y + height + thickness + margin;
// put a side hall
5, thickness - dh - 15,
height - 10, 10);
function transition(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
function transitionByInput(button, down_callback, up_callback) {
if (button.value() > 0) {
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (button.value() === 0) {
}, 100);
function waitUntilInput(b1_callback, b2_callback) {
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (b1_callback != null && button1.value() > 0) {
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (button1.value() === 0) {
} else if (b2_callback != null && button2.value() > 0) {
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (button2.value() === 0) {
}, 100);
function startIdle() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Press button ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' to start!');
waitUntilInput(needTrial, needTrial);
var interval, state = 0;
// direction : 0が右、1が左
function pointingAnimation(direction, count, callback) {
var array = [
[' (^_^) ',
' ( ^_^) ',
' ( ^_^)> ',
' ( ^_^)=> '],
[' (^_^) ',
' (^_^ ) ',
' <(^_^ ) ',
' <=(^_^ ) '],
animateArray(array[direction], 1, count, callback);
function gameAnimation(icount, tcount, bcount, callback) {
var direction = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
setTimeout(function() {
pointingAnimation(direction, icount, function(){});
}, tcount * 3 > icount * 4 ? tcount * 3 - icount * 4 : 0);
setTimeout(function() {
'Look ',
'Look this ',
'Look this way! '
], 0, tcount, function() {});
}, tcount * 3 < icount * 4 ? icount * 4 - tcount * 3 : 0);
var state = 0;
var button = -1;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (state >= icount * 4 + (icount < 150 ? 150 : icount) + bcount) {
var result = -1;
if (direction === button) {
result = 1;
} else if (button !== -1) {
result = 0;
state += 100;
if (button === -1) {
if (button1.value() > 0) {
button = 0;
} else if (button2.value() > 0) {
button = 1;
}, 100);
function needTrial() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Need practice? ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' Yes No ');
waitUntilInput(plactice, readyAnimation);
function plactice1() {
pointingAnimation(0, 400, function() {
var state = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var array = [
'Press the other ',
' side of him. '
' ',
' ( ^_^)=> '
writeScreen(0, 0, array[state][0]);
writeScreen(1, 0, array[state][1]);
state = state + 1;
if (state === 2) {
state = 0;
}, 1500);
waitUntilInput(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Well done! ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Let\'s practice ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' one more time.');
setTimeout(plactice2, 1500);
}, 1500);
}, null);
function plactice2() {
pointingAnimation(1, 400, function() {
var state = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var array = [
'Press the other ',
' side of him. '
' ',
' <=(^_^ ) '
writeScreen(0, 0, array[state][0]);
writeScreen(1, 0, array[state][1]);
state = state + 1;
if (state === 2) {
state = 0;
}, 1500);
waitUntilInput(null, function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Great! ');
setTimeout(plactice3, 1500);
function plactice3() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Let\'s go to ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' the Next Stage!');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'This time, press');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' button earlier ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'than him. ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' (^_^) ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Let\'s try! ');
setTimeout(plactice4, 1500);
}, 2500);
}, 3000);
}, 2000);
function plactice4() {
gameAnimation(400, 500, 1000, function(result) {
if (result === -1) {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Failed... ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' One more ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' chance! ');
setTimeout(plactice4, 1500);
}, 1500);
} else if (result === 0) {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Wrong choice.. ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' but good try!');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' One more ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' chance! ');
setTimeout(plactice4, 1500);
}, 1500);
} else if (result === 1) {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Wonderful! ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'This one must be');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' much harder. ');
setTimeout(plactice5, 2500);
}, 1500);
} else {
function plactice5() {
gameAnimation(400, 500, 0, function(result) {
if (result === -1) {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Failed... ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' One more ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' chance! ');
setTimeout(plactice5, 1500);
}, 1500);
} else if (result === 0) {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Wrong choice.. ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' but good try!');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' One more ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' chance! ');
setTimeout(plactice5, 1500);
}, 1500);
} else if (result === 1) {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Unbelievable! ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Practice lesson');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' is all done. ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, 'Now, let\'s ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' start game! ');
setTimeout(readyAnimation, 2500);
}, 2500);
}, 1500);
} else {
function plactice() {
' ',
') ',
'^) ',
'_^) ',
'^_^) ',
'(^_^) ',
' (^_^) ',
' (^_^) ',
' (^_^) ',
' (^_^) ',
' (^_^) ',
], 1, 100, plactice1);
function readyAnimation() {
'Ready? ',
'Ready? 3 ',
'Ready? 3..2 ',
'Ready? 3..2..1 ',
'Start! ',
], 0, 700, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var count = 3;
var statei = 4;
var u_win = 0;
var m_win = 0;
var state = [
icount: 100,
tcount: 150,
face: ' (@_@) '
icount: 100,
tcount: 150,
face: ' (=_=) '
icount: 100,
tcount: 200,
face: ' (*_*) '
icount: 150,
tcount: 250,
face: ' (>_<) '
icount: 200,
tcount: 300,
face: ' (^_^) '
icount: 300,
tcount: 400,
face: ' v(^_^)v '
icount: 400,
tcount: 500,
face: ' v(^_^)v '
icount: 500,
tcount: 600,
face: ' V(^_^)V '
icount: 500,
tcount: 600,
face: ' V(^_^)V '
function gameloop() {
gameAnimation(state[statei].icount, state[statei].tcount, 0, function(result) {
var rastate = 0;
var rainterval = setInterval(function() {
if (rastate % 2 === 0) {
if (result == 1) {
lcd.setColor(0, 0, 255);
} else {
lcd.setColor(255, 0, 0);
} else {
lcd.setColor(255, 255, 255);
if (rastate === 3) {
if (result == 1) {
u_win = u_win + 1;
statei = statei - 1;
} else {
m_win = m_win + 1;
statei = statei + 1;
if (count === 0) {
var tresult = 2;
if (u_win > m_win) {
tresult = 0;
} else if (u_win < m_win) {
tresult = 1;
writeScreen(0, 0, ['You win!!! ', 'You loose... ', 'draw game '][tresult]);
writeScreen(1, 0, ' ' + u_win + ' - ' + m_win + ' ');
setTimeout(function() {
writeScreen(0, 0, ' Continue? ');
writeScreen(1, 0, ' Yes No ');
waitUntilInput(readyAnimation, startIdle);
}, 2500);
writeScreen(0, 0, ' ' + u_win + ' - ' + m_win + ' ');
writeScreen(1, 0, state[statei].face);
count = count - 1;
setTimeout(gameloop, 1500);
rastate = rastate + 1;
}, 170);
}, 700);
function animateArray(array, line, count, callback) {
var state = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
writeScreen(line, 0, array[state]);
state = state + 1;
if (state === array.length) {
}, count);
function writeScreen(x, y, str) {
lcd.setCursor(x, y);
function resetScreen() {
lcd.setColor(255, 255, 255);